New Delhi: The trailer for Dil Ko Rafu Karr Lei, the debut production from celebrity couple Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta’s entertainment platform Dreamiyata Drama, has been officially launched. Featuring Ayesha Khan and Karan V Grover in lead roles, the intense drama delves into the intricacies of love, relationships, and marriage.
The series follows Ishan (Karan V Grover) and Nikki (Ayesha Khan), two complex individuals struggling with their differing perspectives on life and love. Their evolving relationship, tested by conflicting desires and expectations, sets the stage for an emotionally charged narrative about heartbreak, self-realization, and reconciliation within marriage.
In the trailer, Ayesha Khan’s heartfelt plea for love underscores the emotional depth of her character, while Karan V Grover’s performance portrays a man caught in the turmoil of commitment and vulnerability. The show promises to explore relatable themes with a fresh perspective, offering viewers a poignant portrayal of modern relationships.
Take A Look At The Trailer
Dil Ko Rafu Karr Lei is the first of several projects lined up for Dreamiyata Drama, which also includes Lovely Lolla, starring Gauhar Khan and Isha Malviya. The show is expected to redefine the romance genre with its engaging storytelling and strong performances.