Mumbai: Sobhita Dhulipala recently sent fans into a frenzy when she shared unseen pictures from her wedding with actor Naga Chaitanya. The couple, who had kept their relationship low-key for the most part, surprised fans with these intimate glimpses from their special day. The pictures have gone viral, with fans admiring the couple’s effortless charm and undeniable chemistry.
The wedding was a celebration of love, family, and tradition. Sobhita looked ethereal in a traditional silk saree, adorned with intricate jewellery that highlighted her timeless beauty. Her elegant makeup and confident smile added a touch of modernity to her otherwise classic bridal look. Naga Chaitanya, on the other hand, embodied sophistication perfectly complementing Sobhita’s attire.
The photos showcased moments that were both emotional and joyous, capturing the essence of their relationship. From candid shots of the couple laughing together to serene portraits of them during the wedding rituals, every frame told a story of love and togetherness.
Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya have been linked for some time, but they have rarely addressed their relationship publicly. Their subtle displays of affection and mutual respect have always spoken louder than words. This wedding solidifies their bond, marking a new chapter in their lives.
One of the pictures that caught fans’ attention was a candid shot of the two exchanging smiles during the ceremony, reflecting their deep connection and mutual admiration.
The couple opted for an intimate wedding with close family and friends, shying away from the usual Bollywood extravagance. The ceremony was held in at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad decorated with earthy tones, flowers, and traditional elements, creating a perfect blend of simplicity and elegance.
As soon as Sobhita shared the wedding pictures , fans screamed they were meant to be together.